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Board Members

Commodore – Denise Higgins

Acts as chairman of the SBSSA Board. Appoints board members. Maintains overall responsibility of club functions (e.g., fiduciary responsibility, weekly regattas, member communications). Acknowledges skipper achievements (e.g., of novice to their 10th solo) and winners of each regatta series. May also serve in a club chair position.

1st Vice-Commodore – Alex Potter

Ensures good race committee organization and participation by member families (e.g., at the beginning of the season each family must have signed up twice throughout the season). Before each racing day, communicates with the two families on-duty in advance of race committee assignment and provides instructions as necessary.

2nd Vice-Commodore – Mark Matthews

Coordinates and leads instructional series the first 3 Sundays of the season. Teaches seamanship to skippers. Conducts on-the-water seamanship test and written test before Champ Cup regatta series.

Staff Commodore – Andrew Bermond

Assists the Commodore and Vice Commodores in coordinating the organization’s educational activities.

Historians – Alex Potter and Mark Matthews

Maintains the organization’s social media efforts. Takes photos and videos of SBSSA events to maintain a virtual scrapbook of the season.

Race Secretary – Mary Neale

Keeps accountability of skippers at each regatta. Tracks race results each racing day and ensures race results are posted on the website. Maintains accountability of solos, capsizes, and adult race results. Compiles results for awards at the end of the season.

Administrative Secretary – Beth Anna Cornett

Takes and keeps a record of all official meetings. Prepares all correspondence. Maintains the membership lists.

Treasurer – Diana Pereira

Tracks and reports receipts and expenses of the club. Prepares budget and ensures fiduciary responsibility of the club is the responsibility of the Board. Reports and makes payments to IRS. Ensures payment of invoices in a timely manner. Maintains responsibility for sound and transparent management of SBSSA’s finances. Maintains all financial records in organized fashion.

Member at Large – John Marshall

Represents the general membership on the board. Provides input on behalf of club members and assists with various tasks and projects as needed. May be called upon to take on special assignments that support the club’s overall operations and initiatives.

Rear Commodore – Camila Ronchietto

Assists the Commodore and Vice Commodores in coordinating the organization’s activities. Organizes the skippers’ party.

Feva Coordinator – John Marshall

Takes responsibility for RS Feva program. Ensures training of skippers on boat handling skills and use of radios. Defines courses and races in a progressive pathway to keep it challenging. Ensures rotations among skippers and crews.

Rule/Protest Chair — Jason MacMurray

Presides over protests from skippers. Teaches sailing rules. Resolves protests as necessary (non-voting board member).

Safety Boat Coordinator – Eric Bridgford

Ensures maintenance of safety boats (i.e., hull and engines). Provides training to parents on proper engine and boat handling. Ensures periodic engine maintenance. Arranges for safety boat transport to out-of-town regatta. Arranges for boat clean-up and storage at end of season.

Fundraising Chair – Vacant

Leads fundraising efforts and collaborates with the wine gala chair for the annual fundraiser.

Wine Tasting and Yacht Tours Event Chair – Vacant

Leads annual wine gala coordination.